Posters and leaflets

When I am not feeling OK

Ups and downs in life are inevitable and sometimes the pain could be unbearable. This guide aims to share what we can do to get through difficult circumstances.

When I am worried about others

Suicide could be preventable by early detection of warning signs and provision of appropriate support. This guide aims to let everybody know how YOU can help.

You are very welcome to download our brochures, leaflets and posters, and distribute them to anyone who may find the information useful.

Supporting The Aged Responsibly (STAR) Programme

Poster concerning the STAR Programme (information only available in Chinese)

Year: 2018

Format: poster in jpeg

Download leaflet

12th Young Samaritans Programme

Poster concerning the 12th Youth Samaritans Programme (information only available in Chinese)

Year: 2018

Format: poster in jpeg

Support Group for People Bereaved by Suicide

Image: A profile of a person with accompanying text in Chinese about the support group for people bereaved by suicide. Click here for more information about the meeting (information only available in Chinese).

Year: July 2016

Format: poster in jpeg


Image: A person holding a photo bereaving before a headstone.

Text: One person dies by suicide every 10 hours in Hong Kong.
Losing a loved one can lead to depression and suicide.

Year: March 2016

Format: poster in jpeg

Gender identity/expression

Image: A male person stands in front of a mirror to see a reflection of her inner self in a dress, experiencing conflict with her gender identity.

Text: One person dies by suicide every 10 hours in Hong Kong.
More than 60% of transgender individuals have suicidal thoughts.

Year: March 2016

Format: poster in jpeg

Loneliness among senior citizens

Image: An elderly person sitting in a wheelchair, looking out of a window, spends time alone without care from anyone .

Text: One person dies by suicide every 10 hours in Hong Kong.
Elderly people are four to give times more at risk of suicide.

Year: March 2016

Format: poster in jpeg

Study pressure

Image: A student breaks down from the pile of school work.

Text: One person dies by suicide every 10 hours in Hong Kong.
One in four secondary school students has suicidal thoughts.

Year: March 2016

Format: poster in jpeg

Small isolated living space

Image: A person lying on a bed surrounded by four walls with no windows or circulation all on his own.

Text: One person dies by suicide every 10 hours in Hong Kong.
Long periods of loneliness of social isolation can have a negative impact on health.

Year: March 2016

Format: poster in jpeg

School bullying

Image: Two students bullied by others, have their belongings thrown around.

Text: One person dies by suicide every 10 hours in Hong Kong.Child victims of bullying are more at risk of suicide.

Year: March 2016

Format: poster in jpeg

Living Life More Easily

Information helping students to recognise the signs and symptoms of depression

Year: unknown

Format: booklet in PDF (2.76MB)

Poster: You Are Not Alone

Text: You are not alone

Year: June 2014

(printable digital version not available)

Alone and Confused?

Image: A merry-go-round spinning with a person on it.

Text: Alone and Confused? Give Us a Call

Year: unknown

Format: Poster in PDF (0.98MB)

Life getting you down?

Image: Spiral staircase

Text:  Life getting you down? Give us a call.

Year: unknown

Format: Poster in PDF (0.97MB)

Feeling Trapped?

Text: Feeling Trapped? Give Us a Call

Year: unknown

Format: Poster in PDF (0.89MB)