Today and every day our service is available 24 hours. Your support given to The Samaritans helps add tomorrows every day.
The majority of our funding comes from caring individuals, who, like our unpaid volunteers operating our 24/7 hotline service, are willing to offer help and support to total strangers who are experiencing despair, distress or suicidal feelings.
A quick, secure and convenient way to give is donate online. If you’d like to help us continue this vital service, please choose from these two options:
When you choose monthly donation, you’ll support The Samaritans with a monthly gift of the amount you select. Your credit card will be billed each month until you choose to cancel.
Whatever way you choose to donate, your gifts can help in the following ways:
One-off donation
You may change the life of someone.
Monthly donation
Your monthly will ensure the Samaritans could support everyone in need.
Help our organization by donating today! All donations go directly to making a difference for our cause.
We would like to make it easy and convenient for your generosity and goodwill to channel into action. Each time you donate, you are supporting our 24/7 emotional support service to enable people feeling depressed or downcast, any time of the day or night, to be listened to and accepted without prejudice.
Offline donation methods
Fast Payment System (FPS)
The Samaritans FPS ID: 100456573
By cheque
Please make your cheque payable to ‘The Samaritans’ and put down your name and phone number at the back of the cheque. Send your crossed cheque to: The Samaritans, P.O. Box 44277, Shaukeiwan Post Office, Hong Kong. For donation of HK$100 or above and for a request for donation receipt, please download and fill out the donation form and send it to the above address together with your cheque donation.
Through direct deposit
You can make the donation through direct deposit to:
Account name: The Samaritans
Account number: 404-228553-001
Please download and complete this form and send the original bank receipt to The Samaritans, P.O. Box 44277, Shaukeiwan Post Office, Hong Kong.
By PayPal
You may make a one-time donation through PayPal at, which enables donation by credit card on a secure platform. The PayPal ID of The Samaritans is: [email protected].
By autopay/direct debit
For monthly donation through autopay/direct debit, please download and fill out the autopay authorisation form. Please send the completed form to: The Samaritans, P.O. Box 44277, Shaukeiwan Post Office, Hong Kong.
By credit card (for monthly or one-off donation)
Please fill out either the donation form and return it to us:
1. By post : The Samaritans, P.O. Box 44277, Shaukeiwan Post Office, Hong Kong OR
2. By email: [email protected] OR
3. By fax: 2898 4463
3-4 persons
lose their lives to suicide in Hong Kong35%
of people experience emotional distress from suicide deaths of people they know.30,000
persons seek emotional support from the Samaritans every year10,000
persons receive community training or support from the Samaritans